Bonded Medical Program

The Bonded Medical Program provides a Commonwealth Supported Place in a medical course at an Australian university.

Bonded Medical Program

The Bonded Medical Program provides a Commonwealth Supported Place in a medical course at an Australian university. In return, bonded participants commit to work in an eligible regional, rural and remote area for 3 years after they complete their course. This is called a ‘return of service obligation’.

You can complete your Return of Service Obligation (RoSO):

  • Anywhere in the Northern Territory
  • Any time over an 18-year period – it doesn’t have to be continuous
  • Part time, full time or on a per-day basis
  • As a fly-in/fly-out doctor in eligible locations
  • Half before your fellowship, and half after you attain fellowship.

Existing participants of 2 legacy schemes that have closed to new participants can apply to opt into the Bonded Medical Program. These are the:

  • Medical Rural Bonded Scholarship Scheme
  • Bonded Medical Places Scheme.​

If you’re a GP on the Bonded Medical Program administered by the Commonwealth and you’re looking to complete your RoSO in the NT, contact us today.

The Bonded Medical Program is only available in interstate universities. For students studying
medicine in the NT please refer to the Northern Territory Bonded Medical Scheme.

Northern Territory Bonded Medical Scheme

The Northern Territory Bonded Medical Scheme (NTBMS) is a Northern Territory and Australian Government initiative. It is a scheme that funds the medical training of students enrolled in the NT Medical Program delivered by Flinders University. Participants of the NTBMS have their course costs funded by the NT Government and are obliged to undertake a return of service (RoS) to the NT Government.